Welcome to
Academic & International Affairs Department

Our Mission

  • To become the department which is the driving force in academic excellence towards achieving the status of a world-class Distinguished Technological University 


  • Committed to planning, developing and enhancing the implementation of academic programs and international collaborations in line with the vision and mission of the University in order to meet the aspiration of the nation


  • To plan, develop and enhance academic programs in line with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan/ Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi  Negara
  • To plan and coordinate restructuring of Faculties/ Academic Centres in efforts to expand academic programs in line with the University’s strategic planning
  • To establish academic collaborations with higher education institutions locally and abroad
  • To enhance the quality of academic achievement of graduates through development of quality academic programs
  • To expand and increase the level of knowledge and skills among members in the community through community service programs conducted by academic members of staff of the University